Unity Peer to Peer Education Scaling Project

Next Lab meets Unity Learn's Learning Pathways

As a recipient of the Unity Social Impact award, Next Lab is building an international online network of Unity learners, mentors, and experts on our Next Lab Community Discord server.

Anyone can join this server to gain access to our guilds, which support upskilling in game art, design, and development through Unity Learn’s Learning Pathways. Next Lab's guild-based community provides timely feedback and active mentorship in a responsive online environment of student peers and experts, along with robust opportunities to participate in open workshops and earn digital credentials awarded by Next Lab. Our goal is to expand Unity Learn’s curriculum through our guilds on a global scale!.

Join our Discord

Discord logo

Our Discord server is a student-led, robust network aimed at cultivating a responsive digital environment of learners, mentors, and experts of the Unity game engine through our transdisciplinary guilds! Join the server and explore our Guild channels to interact, learn from, and work with other members of the server that share your similar interest and have expertise in that area.

The first 500 ASU students to complete the Unity Essentials Pathway in our community will be awarded a $20 gift card! Join the Discord server for more information. 

We hope you enjoy learning, exploring, and mastering Unity together with peers, mentors, and experts in the Next Lab Community Discord server!

Join our Discord


Our Peer to Peer (P2P) Education Scaling Model

Our Guild-based P2P Education Scaling Project aims to activate and expand the peer learning network throughout the ASU Enterprise and the wider public. This is achieved by sharing the valuable knowledge, skills, and mindsets that Next Lab Studio Associates acquire while working on Unity-based projects.

To reach this objective, participants complete the Unity Essentials pathway and select other relevant Unity curriculum for their personal knowledge, professional growth, or partner funded projects. They then share their learning journey and Unity assets with each other and the public via social media networks, while also earning digital credentials that capture and store comprehensive evidence of learning. The review and assessment of learning is done by the NL Studio Associates, experts in Unity themselves, who then issue credentials through Badgr and eventually ASU Pocket. In alignment with ASU’s vision of scalable learning, these credentials offer infinitely scalable ways for students to demonstrate their learning and align it with future job opportunities.

P2P Workshop Series

Learn Unity through our student-led P2P workshops!

Thursday, Feb. 1| 5-6:30pm

C# Basics x Unity with Dion Pimentel